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The Magnetic Love Songs
The Magnetic Love Songs

The Magnetic Love Songs

A weekly podcast discussing and ranking each song on The Magnetic Fields' album '69 Love Songs' and their merits as love songs. Hosted by Ben Kassman and Sarah Sampouw Edited by Kaitlin Backus

Available Episodes 10

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the forty-seventh song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”,  Underwear

Topics Include: Ben and Sarah are the only people who listen to Experimental Music Love, Bilingual Puns, Le Petit Mort Exterminators

Editing by Kaitlin Backus

In our season 2 finale, Sarah and Ben discuss the forty-sixth song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”,  I Shatter. 

Topics Include: DeviantArt Deep Dives, Sarah and Ben listen to Experimental Music Love, Everyone’s Favorite Game: Big Bang or Bird?

Edited by Kaitlin Backus

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the forty-fifth song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, Abigail, Belle of Kilronan

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the forty-four song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, The Way You Say Goodnight

Topics Include: Bursting into Nothing, “Night Bird” sounds, How weirdly can you say good night?

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the forty-third song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, The Sun Goes Down and the World Goes Dancing

Topics Include: Stephen Merritt's Continuing War on Astronomy, Bonkers in Yonkers, Shining AU Fanfic

We’re back at it again at Krispy Kreme, folks. This was recorded in December, but due to *gestures broadly* hadn’t been edited until this week. Enjoy!

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the forty-second song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, Asleep And Dreaming

Topics Include: One Good Thing In December, Most Valuable Pete, Sarah wants a cool voice

We're finally back folks! November was a wild month. We recorded this almost a month ago, but Editor Ben was swamped and didn't have a chance to edit until now :).

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the forty-first song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, Epitaph for My Heart

Topics Include: Facebook Memories, What if Heaven was a Department Store, and Catgirl Sarah v. Ben who loves the Smiths

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the fortieth song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, Papa Was a Rodeo

Topics Include: Secret Mike, The Most Stephin Merritt Thing to have ever been Stephin Merritted, G.O.A.T.mance

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the thirty-ninth song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, Kiss Me Like You Mean It

Topics Include: Making out with the SON OF MAN, Blasphemy, and Give me Kiss

This week, Sarah and Ben discuss the thirty-eighth song on the Magnetic Fields’ album, “69 Love Songs”, Long-Forgotten Fairytale

Topics Include: Stephin Merritt doing mundane things, the Ultimate Indie movie, and Ben & Sarah read their Notes