Fire Sign – The Archer – November 22 – December 21 The stoner Sagittarius is the adventure seeking storyteller of the stoner Zodiac. They make the time between puff and pass so much more enjoyable within the smoke circle. The brave Archer is always on a quest for that exotic smoke spot. All sacred herbal strains are open to the stoner Sag. They may have a connoisseur’s knowledge base, but they are down to roll any jay with any green. For the stoner Sagittarius, the process and experience is more important than the product. Be forewarned: A cozy and comfy night with the sacred herb is not at the top of the stoner Sag’s list. Pack a portable pipe because the eager Sagittarius will have you trekking the terrestrial plane in search the next tall smoke circle tale.
Stoner Sagittarius, it will not be too much to say that this March, you will be floating on cloud nine. And if not, at least you’ll be a seven or eight. With all the promise of the approaching spring season, you should embrace the novelty and newness of things to be explored. Be sure to pack your travel sack with any necessary herbal supplies, and perhaps snacks just in case your journeys last longer than expected. Just remember that all this good fortune does not come without the necessary work. As long as you are properly prepared you will be able to spread good fortune and good smoke to all those around you.
In order to harvest the positive benefits, Stoner Sag, it will be necessary to cultivate the seeds of prosperity. That is to say, nothing worth growing will do so without the proper care. As long as you are willing to invest the time to put a plan in place, you will be sure to encounter a time of great prosperity. If things do not go exactly to plan, you will not experience great loss as long as you are flexible and willing to adjust accordingly.
In the home life, Sag, it is best advised to go for a self-sustained approach. That is not to say that you should not reach out to new people or those close to you. Rather, you should not rely too heavily on those around you. By all means, sharing is caring. If you have that good, kind bud, or great news, share it! But, when it comes to buckling down to get things done, it will be best to accomplish tasks solo.
TweetStoner Sagittarius, this April you should expect much, but demand nothing. That is, the arrival of spring brings to you immense opportunities, both in the financial and personal spheres. However, while the possibilities for great success will be apparent, it will be completely your responsibility to seize upon this potential. It will be most important that you plant the seeds now, for the harvest which you wish to see later. No one is saying that getting what you want will be easy, but it is doable stoner Sagittarius. The more weeding through and refinement of the energies you invest today, will only result in greater quality of the results.
Work during the first month of spring, like the changing of the seasons, will prove to be quite dynamic. Unfortunately, you should not expect to see any radical or significant changes overall. As long as you keep your focus on the tasks in front of you, you’ll have plenty of time to pursue new adventures during your free time. It will be important to steer clear of coworkers that are giving off noticeable negative vibes. And, when it comes to sharing that sacred herb, do so only with those who you know will add, not subtract to the experience. With all the work ahead of you, it will be important to maximize your relaxation time by keeping the pipe packed, and ready to pass to your closest partners in chronic.
When it comes to your circle of love, stoner Sagittarius, it will be best to voice your emotions, openly and honestly. There will be no problems that arise that you will be unable to quickly resolve as long as you tackle these issues head on. And, if you are a single Sagittarius, the world is waiting for you. Bring your best bud and your positive attitude and you are sure to attract attention. You have high aspirations this month stoner Sagittarius. Keep your attention focused on these goals and you won’t have to look for greener grasses. You will notice that the garden you are cultivating will be more than fruitful in its harvest.
TweetSagittarius, the seeds that you planted months ago are beginning to ripen and bear fruit. That is to say, your investments are clearly paying off. As long as you keep your focus on the final goals and do your best to maintain this level of achievement, you will be able to continue this positive momentum. Keep on and smoke strong, stoner Sag, but don’t lose sight of your ultimate goals. Whether you measure your success by monetary values or interpersonal relationships, you can expect to see continual growth. If you are willing to invest in your new undertakings the way you have into past endeavors, then there is no reason you should not experience similar success.
With regards to the workplace, Sagittarius, the best advice is to “dream big!” Don’t sell yourself short, Sag. The only person that can hold you back is you. While there will always be critics to tell you what you can’t do, it will be up to you to show them exactly what you can achieve. Regardless of how close you are to your coworkers, it is probably best to keep your success separate from your smoke circle. Sometimes, you will need to blow off steam about your work peers, and it will be best to do so with confidants that you don’t work alongside.
While you might want to share some of your positive achievements or help those around you succeed, sometimes you have to let others go it alone. You may offer your support to those close to you, but you cannot do everything for them. The best thing you can do is to be a shining example. Instead of being the one who always rolls one up, it is better to teach others how to roll on their own. This way, you can enable others to be successful without having to rely exclusively on your help.
TweetStoner Sagittarius, in order for you to most enjoy the times of peace during the month of July, to truly soak up that freshly ground green goodness, it will be important that you keep up your metaphorical grind. By working hard, even when you think the problem is small or insignificant, you will be able to accomplish any task that comes your way. And when all the work is done, you will find yourself completely open to bask in all the magic that summer brings your way. Just be cautious to not spend too much time obsessing over the job at hand. Remember that the more energy spent on thinking about the problem, is less time invested actually working towards the solution.
You will build upon a substantial momentum, Stoner Sagittarius, the secret to success at work will be to keep this forward motion moving and to not slow down. Your peers will likely seek your advice or assistance on projects that may be stalled. Be confident in your abilities and let your efforts speak for themselves. If you are able to keep up the pace through the first half of the month, you will be able to plant the seeds that will flourish in later weeks. Just try to avoid spending too much time on any one task. If you are not immediately able to solve the puzzle, direct your efforts elsewhere until you can see how the pieces go together.
Because of all the movements you will make in the workplace, remember to use your personal time at home, to relax and recharge your batteries. Your closest cannabis companions will be there to remind you to slow it down, when time permits. And, those near to your heart will only help you to pursue your passions and keep you focused on getting the most out of your time together. Seize the summer, Stoner Sagittarius, and you will ensure that you will not be disappointed with adventures you encounter.
TweetSome believe that those who smoke are lazy or simply slackers. Your momentum and accomplishments this month, Stoner Sagittarius, will be substantial evidence showing that this stereotype is not always proven to be true. In fact, you will find yourself at a sprinter’s pace, overcoming hurdles and obstacles at an impressive pace. While this will be a positive attribute in the workplace, be careful not to run too quickly through the pleasantries in life. During the brief months of summer, be sure to follow through with plans that may have been established in previous months. Whether it’s a hike on a new trail, a cannabis infused dinner party with friends, or that yearly getaway where you can focus on relaxing with some of our favorite herb.
It will be important to allow your downtime to be all that you need it to be, and to keep this time separate from work spaces. Seeds that you planted long ago, will be ripening and you will experience the great harvest of your labors. You will be much too busy turning those plans into actions and actions into results to allow yourself to become distracted. If you are able to stay focused when you’re in work-mode, you will enjoy the best of both worlds: solid work accomplishments in the day, and successful smoke sessions during the evening hours.
Be sure to give credit where credit is due, Stoner Sagittarius. All of the success you encounter, while a direct result of your hard work, was not achieved without the help and support of those around you. But, the benefits go both ways. While you have had help accomplishing your dreams, you have been equally helpful to close friends and family. This month, it will not be a bad investment to expand your smoking circle. New friends and faces means new minds to help pursue roads yet to be explored. So, get out there and explore Stoner Sag, new opportunities and people are waiting for optimistic influence.
TweetWhat is it that you want to achieve this month, Stoner Sagittarius? Whatever you might want to pursue, be sure that you chase after it, as you will be certain to accomplish the goals that you have set before you. And, be reassured, your success will not be by accident. While some perceive those who partake of the sacred herb as, ‘lazy stoners,’ you will have the opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. One might say, however, that you are on a next level grind. As long as you pencil in time dedicated to burning one down, you will be more than ready to keep up a very busy calendar.
Whether your approach is to tackle tasks one at a time, or whether you prefer to move around between multiple projects, you will get everything done if you maintain an upbeat momentum. When at work, you may benefit by pursuing your passions. That is to say, it will be okay if you focus on the to-dos that you are most interested in first. By beginning with those tasks that most intrigue and inspire, you can build up your energies for later undertakings that you might not have originally been as excited about, but will later seem less daunting.
While the hours of sunlight shorten and as summer dwindles, you may be surprised to find that your closest relationships will flourish and experience unexpected growth. Regardless of whether you are a Stoner Sag rolling solo, or have found your soulmate or particular partner, your interpersonal connections will prosper. Use this time of fortune for building the foundation for future prosperity. Some say that stoners are prone to forgetting…well, this month, pack a bowl and pass it around. You will be certain to create positive memories that will be remembered for a long time to come.
TweetOh Stoner Sagittarius, I know you want to find an end to this responsible task oriented cosmic path. But the second fall time period brings more influence from the responsible side of the heavens. This busy lifestyle with a seemingly endless to-do list will have a payback for you stoner Sagittarius. Your tireless work this past year is building a wonderful foundation for future cosmic adventures. Insight through meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb will help you find exciting opportunities within the daily grind of accomplishment.
Look into the big green glass bowl stoner Sagittarius. Like a crystal ball, this glass bowl will help you see the adventure in the daily routine. October is the perfect month to focus your meditative gaze inward and take a renewed interest in personal health. We all only have one cosmic space suit, so it is important to maintain it. Even the busiest daily routine should allow for hikes in nature. Set out on a quest to find a new #JsSmokeSpot, whether it be a waterfall in the woods or that hidden urban garden. Staying physically active will help release the pressure of a go-go work lifestyle.
Stoner Sag there will be a personal challenge with a close cannabis companion this month. Despite your easy going whimsical nature, this situation will require a moment of pause and reflection. Meditate with the sacred herb and see through the emotion of the moment. Perhaps this moment of anxiety or turbulence is systemic in the nature of your relationship. Take confidence in knowing that there are a vast amount of cannabis companions traveling on this cosmic space ship called Earth. When one stoner drops from a smoke circle another is sure to take his place. But remember this stoner Sagittarius, life is too short to harbor resentment. Change is as inevitable as a fresh green bowl.
TweetStoner Sagittarius, prepare yourself for an excellent adventure this November. Although it may be rainy and cold outside, yourself and your fellow space travelers will traverse far across the depths of the universe. Whether it is a weekend getaway to the coast to find new smoke spots, or exploring the depths of life, the universe and everything from the comfort of your favorite couch, you will journey together into unchartered territories. You can trust in good company and plenty of the sacred herb to help sustain you, wherever you may wander. This month, the Cosmos has blessed you with fortune that you are compelled to share with your closest cannabis companions. Don’t worry, this will not be a case of one sided generosity. Whatever you put out into the universe, you will get returned in kind, and even in even greater proportions. So be kind!
Through your hard work and diligent ways, you have accumulated some seriously positive karma, stoner Sagittarius. You may have gone up the ranks at work, or simply been acknowledged as being the stellar employee that you are. Whatever your accolades, you have made apparent your value to your employer. If you are fortunate enough to get to share a bowl or two with your coworkers, it is advised that you guys take some time outside of the workplace to pass around the peace pipe. While there are no foreseeable grievances or issues, it will benefit all parties to ease tensions before they become stronger. This will enable the free exchange of ideas and make collaborations constructive, instead of overly competitive.
You have probably felt like you have found a pleasant groove as you stride through the cosmos, this is because your chakras are aligned stoner Sagittarius. You should be cautious of this, in the best possible way. This is because those near you may not be in such high spirits. Passing the pipe and sharing meditative tokes will keep everyone on the same level. Sometimes we get high with the help of our friends, other times we need simply to be there with some great bud and a smile, ready to help our friends get by.
TweetHappy birthday stoner Sagittarius! But we have some work to do this month to fend off communication conflicts with Mercury in retrograde. The sacred herb will be a catalyst for emotional success in December. Introspective meditative dives with the sacred herb will help solve complex internal dilemmas. “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” Bob Marley
This is a great month to work on solving internal conflicts. Cosmic influences will bring strong winds of confidence, and your personality will be like a magnet attracting others into your life bubble. Work and projects should progress smoothly in December. Allow your eyes to turn toward the future. Advancement does not come from luck as you will feel celestial support to contemplate and plan your career moves in future time periods.
Appreciation and communication will be the keys to solving internal dilemmas that are sure to crop up this month stoner Sagittarius. Mercury will be in retrograde during your birthday month. This will leave you conflicted internally which will inhibit decision making. To compound the communication breakdown, this planetary alignment will also create vulnerable emotional sensitivities. Ah, but not all is lost my sweet stoner Sag. A deep meditative smoke session focused on your internal beauty and love for yourself will guard you against a cosmic disaster. Don’t fool yourself if you are feeling down. Hiding your emotions and feelings will be counter productive. Knowing the beauty you possess inside will allow you to see the beauty inside others and systems that surround you.
So often you are the rock others come to sit at and seek stability. This may be the month you lean on the trees in your smoke circle to help you through tough times. With appreciation of yourself and others in your heart, communication should be able to flow through the turbulent cosmic retrograde storm. All the work and love you have shared with your cannabis companions will reveal a support structure sure to sooth your internal fire.
TweetStoner Sagittarius, as you welcome the New Year, it will be important that you do not forget to finish old tasks. With all the exciting potential a fresh start can bring, you don’t want to leave current projects unfinished. Especially undertakings into which you have invested a great deal of resources. After you finish any remaining tasks, it is advised you take a breather before moving towards future goals. While accomplishing projects may bring significant feelings of satisfaction at a job well done, it is necessary to take time to recharge your batteries and refocus on what will come next. In short, do not neglect your health. Whether it’s sharing a freshly ground bowl with your best bud before catching the latest blockbuster, or enjoying a few meditative puffs by yourself; be certain to carve out time for relaxing from your busy schedule.
Overall work life will not bring many surprises. By tying up remaining loose ends, you will create a clean and fresh space for any tasks that need to be tackled on the job. This means you will have a better, more organized platform to explore creative solutions to any projects on your 2018 agenda. While there is no expected chaos in the immediate future, any project will be more easily accomplished with multiple people addressing the issues. If you are fortunate enough to have relationships with your coworkers, January will be an ideal opportunity to pass around the peace pipe after work hours. Although the weather might be cold outside, you can create your own warm and welcoming environment indoors. By growing camaraderie outside of work, you will create lasting bonds which will provide a better support system when it is time to get back to the grind.
Remember, Stoner Sagittarius, you will not be able to help others unless you first focus on your own inner peace. This month, you will need to fight the urge to solve everyone else’s problems. While your heart is in the right place, the reality is you can’t fix it all. You will be most helpful, by simply being your kind and positive self. If you are able to find your own cosmic groove, you will provide all the support needed by those near and dear to you. All you have to do to be a good friend is be there with some kind bud and a smile.
Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.
A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.
But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.
She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and
captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.
Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s
blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.
Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but
all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and
left a community in shock.
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Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.