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We're incompetent, barely amateur "comedians" I think that's the premise, other wise check my nuts at the door please and thank you, amen!

Available Episodes 6

Jakob sells-out and starts reading from a Google Doc so that he can pay for his addiction to peach mango juice. Collin's late to his birthday, just like his father. Matthew is gay...and Matius is very overwhelmed by all the...LISTEN TO THE EPISODE TO FIND OUT!

In this episode we talked about GameStop and Stocks, this is a Jewish podcast now. We will be moving over to Patreon where you will have to give us $25 a month for a half an hour of audio and...FIND OUT IN THE EPISODE!

Hey-o we're back with some more "comedic" banter. CallMeCarson and Epstein met in Carson's E3 video and Jeffrey showed him the ropes, Trumps a minecrafter now and rada rada rada you know...WATCH THE EPISODE!

Collin is still M.I.A. or K.I.A., it depends upon who you ask. It's a New Year and you know what that means, because it's in the title you adolescent chimp! We discuss the post-Christmas Christmas party that we had and what we got from eachother with musical guests. We also discussed how ALL CHILDREN OF THE CORN MOVIES PAST THE 1ST ONE CAN SUCK ON MY GADDAMN MICROPENIS!

Jakob goes on a brave journey with his friends--Matius, Matthew, and (kinda) Collin to find out if he's truly....Find Out In The Episode!

Today is the first episode of the DEEZCAST, we're still figuring out a schedule, but this will probably be a weekly thing. Maybe.